General Secretariat for Gender Equity

Deployment of an online application, an online service function and a survey of the entities responsible for implementing the gender quota laws in the public administration bodies and supervised entities

Social Innovation
Gender Equality
Duration:7/2014 - 1/2015
Client:General Secretariat for Gender Equality

The purpose of this study was to monitor several Greek public administration laws by designing and developing an online service to monitor the implementation of gender quota laws in a) the board of directors of public, regional, and local government, and b) service councils of the Ministries and all public administration, regional and local authorities. Within the realm of the project was the elaboration of a study on the registration of the bodies obliged to respect the gender quota in the boards of the public, regional and local authorities, as well as in the service councils of the Ministries and all public administration, regional and local authorities. The study has enriched the system indicators monitoring gender mainstreaming in decision-making centers. In particular, those of the public administration and local authorities, in line with the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action by the member states and the conclusions of the Council of Europe.

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